author, creative writing, writing

How to Achieve your 2019 Writing Goals

Happy New Year, writers!

We’re almost a week into the New Year, and I know that everybody has been setting amazing goals, ahead of a fantastic year of writing, editing and hopefully publishing!

I wrote a post last year, on how to achieve your 2018 writing goals, so it seemed only right to offer some advice on achieving your 2019 goals too!

1. Embrace your dreams
First things first, embrace your dreams. Embrace being a writer. I wrote a post last year, highlighting 4 things that shift once you embrace that you want to be a writer. Being unpublished doesn’t make you any less worthy of the ‘Writer’ title. Once you embrace your dreams, you’ll have much more confidence in going out and achieving them.
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2. Be micro-ambitious
Being micro-ambitious includes setting small, short term goals. They are quicker and easier to achieve than bigger, more long term goals, and give the opportunity to make little wins throughout the year. In many cases, you may find you actually achieve more, because the little goals are more attainable and lead you, in time, to your bigger dreams.
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3. Make writing a habit
Amazing things happen when you make writing a habit. Even jotting down a couple of sentences each day will help you make progress, and you’ll probably find yourself writing more on certain days. If you’ve got big goals on your plans for 2019 then making writing a habit is the best way to keep at it, and avoid slumps and blocks.
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4. Get feedback
Writers are known for doubting themselves, and when you are the only one who has read your story it’s easy to assume the worst. Getting honest feedback from people you trust can help you find the faults and flaws in your work, but also highlight what works and where your strengths lie. It can be a real confidence boost, a fantastic learning curve, and a great way to improve your craft.
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5. Read
Nice and simple. Writers should read, when they can. Reading makes you a better writer. Keep reading, and you will continue to improve as a writer, which will help you achieve success.
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Share your goals and plans for the upcoming year below! I’d love to hear what you’re aiming for. Good luck everybody!

Keep writing,

Lets talk goals! I’m on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

24 thoughts on “How to Achieve your 2019 Writing Goals”

  1. Ooh, love the idea of being micro-ambitious. Will definitely have to give that a try. Hopefully it’ll help me finally finish my edits on book 3 and 4 so I can share them with you 😊. Great post, M!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. While my main goal is quite a big one – finish the first book of my trilogy – I can definitely split it into smaller ones, starting with finishing the next wave of edits. As for the further goals… beta stage, finding a cover designer, and eventually making it ready to share with the world.

    Thanks for all the tips you share and good luck in 2019.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m a routine person. That’s my comfort zone. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t but it’s who I am. Making writing a habit was the smartest thing I ever did. Once it became a habit and it became part of my daily routine good things followed.

    I once read it takes about a month or so to form a habit. This is an important thing for many to consider.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad that writing becoming a routine has been so positive for your Bryan ❤ I have to agree, and you're right about the month thing. Must keep going, and not expect it to become a habit within a few days. Great advice! x

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Fabulous advice, especially micro-goals. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed, especially when you’re writing a novel. The thing I’ve found most helpful for actually writing a lot, which links with your idea of making it a habit, is kind of just living in the world of writing more, thinking about it, reading more, making notes. I think what I mean is immersing yourself inside writing. In terms of sticking to writing goals, I think I’m also going to start sharing my writing process on my blog more. I’m hoping it will hold me accountable as well as keep me self-aware. Lots of food for thought here, thanks for sharing 🙂


  5. The first writing goal that comes to my mind is: Being satisfied with what I’ve already written.

    I’ve gotten rid of a number of stories because I was dissatisfied with them for one reason or another. And even the 3 that I consider my best I find I have trouble accepting; I wrote them during a low point in my life, as a way of coping with my struggles that I hoped would help others, too. When I read them, for better and for worse I am reminded of the person I use to be.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lovely tips as always. Your posts are always so motivating. You’re right about small short-term goals, too. Dreams are made by showing up every day and doing a little, not doing a lot every once and a while. Good luck with all your 2019 goals and dreams. 💛

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